

So many of you fellow mothers have commented or emailed asking for tips on “how to do it all.” It makes me laugh to think that I would be the imparter of advice on that one. This summer has majorly challenged me on the professional/personal balance front. All great things happening – just not enough…

So many of you fellow mothers have commented or emailed asking for tips on “how to do it all.” It makes me laugh to think that I would be the imparter of advice on that one. This summer has majorly challenged me on the professional/personal balance front. All great things happening – just not enough hours in the day.

Disneyland yesterday morning. This photo makes me laugh everytime. Grace and Claire were so excited to get going and the last thing they wanted to do was stop for a photo. :)

Joanna asked me to participate in a series she has this week on juggling motherhood with work. It was fun to write out my schedule and some of my thoughts about the subject, but I think my ultimate conclusion was that we all have to find a balance that works for us and constantly be re-evaluating and adjusting. I am reminded every day that life is full of trade offs. I feel like my schedule is a little too work-heavy right now, so we are taking this long trip out west. Vacationing with kids isn’t always the most rejuvenating, but I am so happy to be with them all day, every day.

Thanks to Joanna for including me in her series. You can check out the post HERE.


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37 thoughts on “Motherhood

  1. One thing that I think is important to remember also is that your children will not be young forever (or teenagers forever) Your role as a hands on mother is limited. They will grow up and leave home (at least we hope they do) and then you will have tons of time to spend on a profession… but you may just want more time with your children and grandchildren. It comes way faster than you think it will.

  2. I love your post on Cup of Jo blog. I'm obviously not the only one. Could you BE more awesome and inspiring? Thank you for posting. While I know you have to take some time off once in a while, I'm pretty disappointed when I dont see a new post in the morning. Thanks for being an inspiration. :)

  3. I nearly cried when I read this:

    "My dad once told me that the secret to happiness in life is to be conscious of what is uniquely great about your current situation and put your focus there."

    Age-old dad wisdom cannot be beat. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Hi Jenny –

    Loved your post. I can relate to so much of your schedule as I also work from home, juggle multiple clients (I am a freelance writer) and run a little side business. My husband also works from home, so boundaries often blur.

    It's 100% worth it though, and I would not trade it for anything!

  5. This is THE SWEETEST pic of you and your girls! Seriously, this is absolutely darling and you look so happy to be with your little lovelies! I love the silly kid smiles!! I see that same smile on my daughter when I've whipped out the camera just once too often….

  6. I loved your advice. Really made me think about priorities with this new blog of mine and the work I am doing on the side of the mama-ing. Thanks! You really inspire me! And have so much fun on your vacation. I could go for some disneyland!

  7. yes, constant stop to prioritize is a good option.. oh those kids make us be tired and they could easily steal 24 hours of your day but at the same time give us the greatest smiles and tears of joy.. love your blog..

  8. i loved your post…thanks so much for sharing and being so honest! it is a juggling act trying to do it all…but you are doing it beautifully! and the words of wisdom from your dad are spot on! i am the same as you with always waiting for the next thing…living in the moment is so much better! love your picture of you and your girls….

  9. Jenny, I read your post thismorning on Cup of Jo and I found it so wonderful and motivating. Thanks for taking such care and thoughfulness in writing it. Very fun to read. Looks like you guys are having fun in California! Enjoy your lovely family!!!!
    Whitney from Consider Yourself At Home

  10. You are a constant inspiration Jenny. I most appreciated reading about how you are committed and thoroughly enjoy each aspect of your day. And dads are wise, aren't they…I need to be a little more present in my own life. Thanks for the reminder!

  11. I think we will always wonder if we made the right decision whether we work from home or have careers that take us outside of the home. I think you keyed into to what is really important and that is to "make time for your hubby and family" Period. The rest will always fall into place. By the way, those baby girls sure do look happy to me, so I think you're doing a great job!

  12. Thanks for your thoughts. You have a lot of great wisdom and insight. I like your idea of compartmentalizing. I admire all you do. I often think of something you once said, "I can't do it all, but I can do a lot." I have borrowed it as a mantra. It is fun to see pictures of your girls. They are getting so big.

  13. I'm expecting my first in September. I find honest moms talking about balancing their lives so inspiring. In some weird way, I feel reassured knowing I'll be frustrated and never quite feel like I've got it figured out and that it will be perfectly normal and okay. Thanks for sharing your experience!! xo

  14. Hi Jenny,
    I really loved your post. I work part time and have two small girls, plus I work on my blog (which I try to do all day Sunday and late at night when the girls are in bed), so I totally related to your schedule. So nice to know there are others in the same boat, and you seem to be doing such a great job at it, btw;)
    I remember your design work at Joanna's apt and loved it. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing where you bought the rug in the second pic on your guest post? I'm looking for one just like it. Thanks! ;)

  15. Ha! Well said about family vacations. My husband and I recently took our very first family vacation with our then 14-month-old son and boy was it busy. Not relaxing but very, very fun.

    I loved your interview for the Cup of Jo post. This is a great series! It's so nice to know that we are all insanely busy with kids, and each different poster has given me better ideas on how to manage my time to juggle work/family/ life balance. My favorite part of your response was the "Dear Daddy" letters. That was so cute! I totally am going to have to copy that idea when my son is old enough to write. :)


  16. Jenny- Yours is the only blog I follow! I sincerely admire your dedication to your profession and family. I have two girls myself (and work FT) and a husband who is a lawyer and puts in a lot of hours. Yes, I have a wonderful nanny but it is still a lot of work. When I get overwhelmed, I think "how does Jenny do this with 3"!

  17. I am just enjoying your blog! I discovered you through cup of Jo, though I am not a mother or wife (yet), I was really interested in you as an Interior Decorator (I am a pillow maker), I am already loving your Butterfly taxidermy and upholstering – I have a chair just like that one and it is plain gray (for he moment) and this has given me ideas : )

    Great blog and look forward to seeing much more –

  18. loved reading your post jenny….i can definitely relate w/ the craziness of your day. i need to set a routine like you did…i just tend to vent about how hard being a mother and working from your house can truly be!!

  19. I am a A Cup of Jo reader and recently started following your blog too. I find this series totally inspiring. I just got married last year, don't have any kids yet but plan to have some in the future, my husband and I are lawyers with ambitious dreams, and I have a second job as a knitwear designer. We constantly worry about "what will happen when we have kids?!" It's mostly me, freaking out but Joanna's blog series is truly realistic and encouraging at the same time. I love your blog and was really glad to read more about you on Joanna's blog too. Thank you for the great story!

  20. What an inspiring post!!! Thank you for sharing how you do it all!!! This reminds me of that great phrase, "working mother" is redundant!!! Totally true!!! It makes it all worth while when you love what you do, being a mother and doing a job you love!!! Love reading your blog!

  21. I just read your post on Jo's blog. You're a true supermom! Giving yourself a strict work schedule is key. I haven't managed to do that yet. With two littles one and one on the way I definitely need some balance in my life. Love your blog!

  22. This is a great series and I really enjoyed getting a peak into your day to day!! Man, Jenny – I wish I had your energy!! By 9pm I pooped and I only have 1 child! You're a true inspiration!

  23. I loved your post over there. You are so down to earth and unpretentious and I really admire your honesty about how hard balance is! (and, I love your chore of the day idea!)

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