
20×200 on OKL

I am such a huge fan of 20×200, a really great and affordable online art gallery. One Kings Lane is having a sale on gift cards to the site right now. $59 for a $100 gift card. I know I would be thrilled to get one or two of these for Christmas! I might just…

I am such a huge fan of 20×200, a really great and affordable online art gallery. One Kings Lane is having a sale on gift cards to the site right now. $59 for a $100 gift card. I know I would be thrilled to get one or two of these for Christmas! I might just pick up a couple for myself before the sale ends on December 2. (And if you need a One Kings Lane account, click here to hook a sister up.)

Here are some of my favorites on 20×200 right now. I like to search by artist. It gives you little thumbnails of all the prints available on the site.

Very pretty day on Kite Hill

Perfect for that teenaged boy in your life! Love that inky blue.

I love cheeky art. This one is called Sad Vader.

The best art sucks you in and tells a story. Love this one called Ringside.

Cool? Or maybe a little creepy? Like, I’m thinking that looks a little too LOST smoke monster at first glance.

I really love this one of a volcanic land fissure in Iceland. The natural disaster swallowed up 360 houses in the 70’s. Can you imagine living in that house on the end there? I think they probably felt pretty lucky.

Subtle nature shot. Love the color here.

And of course the Christian Chaize that I’ve been eying for a while now…

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13 thoughts on “20×200 on OKL

  1. Doesn't the new House Beautiful have the huge Beach shot in one of their features? I have the 11×14 but to have a pair of the huge ones would be amazing.

  2. Hi Jenny! I'm so excited to see the pic of the volcanic fissure in Iceland! I'm having a little dork moment here so bear with me– I'm reading a book right now ("The Control of Nature" by John McPhee) about amazing engineering feats and the 1973 eruption in Heimaey is featured. Icelanders desperately wanted to save the port and so stood in front of the wave of lava descending on them with fire hoses pumping sea water at the lava to cool it. When that didn't work fast enough, they took out bulldozers behind the lava front and pumped 6 million tons of water on the lava. Incredible! I may have to buy the pic– it's just so fascinating!:) Thanks for sharing.

  3. The Christian Chaize print is featured in the new Elle Decor – I saw it and immediately thought of you ;)

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