
Good Design, Kids in Mind

I’d be a wealthy lady if I had a dime for all the times, when I was pregnant with my first, other moms told me to “Have fun now because your life will never be the same!” Our three girls are the spice in life for me and Michael. They are adorable, sweet and endlessly…

I’d be a wealthy lady if I had a dime for all the times, when I was pregnant with my first, other moms told me to “Have fun now because your life will never be the same!”

Our three girls are the spice in life for me and Michael. They are adorable, sweet and endlessly witty. Some days I want a dozen more! (some days I want to hide in the closet) But it’s naive to think life isn’t different, for good or for bad, with our children in the mix.

Having kids often changes the way we think about our careers, how we spend our money, how and where we travel, how much we sleep, what we eat, what we wear, and (ahem) how our bodies look. It’s an all-encompassing life change. And a part of adjusting our lives for children includes consideration when decorating our homes. We talked a little about that here.

This week, Kirsten from 6th Street Design School interviewed a few mommy bloggers in a series call Good Design, Kids in Mind. You should go check it out and see what we all have to say about being design-minded moms. Find out what I was like in junior high (poor Mom!) and how I keep this almost-walking 10 month-old from destroying every lamp, jar, vase, bowl, and accessory in our apartment.

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18 thoughts on “Good Design, Kids in Mind

  1. Sweet picture of you and your little one! I have been posting about kids' rooms all week because it is 'week of the child' where I live- I just found the feature over at 6th Street yesterday and it is fabulous- love reading everyones thoughts and you're right…kids do certainly change things- infinitely for the better but I too want to hide in the closet sometimes:)

  2. Well, what a cute little one.
    You know it has been my experience that it only gets better as they grow up. I have enjoyed all the stages of the growing up process.
    My first one is getting to the end of her senior year, and my other child is still in mid high school.
    Enjoy all the ride, it is such a good one.

  3. Love your answer. I totally agree. If you've given them a good foundation, even a picture of Justin Bieber can't ruin a good space.

  4. LOL yes we love our kids and yes there are days when we want to hide in the closet.

    Mine are just out of college and Jenny I some times don't know where the years went.

    Yes I heard your life will never be the same, and I also heard enjoy them the time flies….and I used to smile at the person but say to myself really lady easy for you to say… I'm that lady LOL and yes they were right the time goes by too quickly !!!

    Sweet picture of you and your little doll.

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  5. Beautiful photo of you two! I will have to check out the article. I am very interested in the conversation about maintaining a pretty environment while parenting little ones (my guy just turned one).

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