
Big News

One of my favorite eDecorating clients ordered up a baby girl’s nursery a few weeks ago. Here’s a little peek at sweet Penelope’s soon-to-be-started room: In related news, it was fun for me to do a girl’s nursery because… SURPRISE! I’m pregnant! With another GIRL!!!! And we couldn’t be happier.

One of my favorite eDecorating clients ordered up a baby girl’s nursery a few weeks ago. Here’s a little peek at sweet Penelope’s soon-to-be-started room:

Penny's Nursery

In related news, it was fun for me to do a girl’s nursery because…

SURPRISE! I’m pregnant! With another GIRL!!!!

Baby Ultrasound

And we couldn’t be happier.

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69 thoughts on “Big News

  1. Congrats! I have 2 girls and would LOVE to have another! Gorgeous nursery for Penelope…can't wait to see what you do for your own little girl!

  2. Congratulations! Such wonderful news! And of course the nusery is fabulous. I've been addicted to your blog for the past several months and just wanted to say you are an inspiration!! Thanks for sharing your talents with the blogosphere!

  3. Aw, 3 girls?! That's awesome!! Congratulations!! Happy and healthy rest of the pregnancy to you:)

    Thanks for posting baby Penelope's nursery…its so cute. Love the combo of green and aqua with the pink!

    Have fun in Arizona, enjoy the heat:)

  4. Jenny, congratulations! Three girls! I love it – I grew up with 3 girls and it was just the best! p.s. what is that fabulous paisley fabric in those bright colors? So refreshing!

  5. Sweetie!

    Congrats I'm so excited for you! Another girl! Amazing!!!!!! I'm one of three sisters and I love it. Super excited for you and please send some baby dust my way!!!

    Also super excited that at some point down the road you'll be in NY so I see your precious girls!

    Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!!



  6. oh my goodness! what a good secret-keeper you have been! congratulations! your little girls are so lucky — I have two sisters and wouldn't trade them for the world, we are the best of friends.

  7. Hooray!! I was just wondering about what you were having last night when Erin told me she saw you. Jealous. I miss you Jennica. I hope that I get the same result as you when I have my ultra sound at the end of August. If not, I'll just have to love on your sweet little princess. I'm loving the new blog.

  8. Congratulations!!! I grew up in a family of three girls and it was wonderful!! My sisters and mom are still my best friends in the world!

  9. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Congrats! I'm so excited for you!

    A client of mine just purchased that pendant for her dining room, I can't wait to see it! I love it!

  10. Congratulations@ Hope you are feeling well!

    LOVE this room. I'm particularly loving the 3 fabrics. Can you tell me what they are and where to find them?

  11. Congratulations!! Three little girls will be so much fun. Michael is going to be incredibly outnumbered :) We are so excited for you guys.

  12. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you!! I can't even imagine how much you have going on right now – you are a rock star!

  13. Jenny! Congratulations. Really you would think I "really" knew you with how excited I am.

    Oh, and the room is beautiful too.

  14. i recently came upon your blog and i'm so glad i did! i love penelope's nursery! the colors are so pretty together. congratulatons girls are so fun! ~jamie

  15. Congratulations Jenny! You've got a lot of things happening around your house right now!
    The vintage desk is awesome for Penelope's nursery.

  16. Congratulations! I have been reading your blog religiously and just LOVE your work. Your energy and happiness shines! Good luck with a healthy pregnancy. :)

  17. Thank you all so much for the sweet thoughts!! There were a few months in the beginning of this pregnancy that were rough (morning sickness and exhaustion), but lately I've been feeling great. Especially now that we know from the ultrasound that she is healthy! (such a huge relief – I'm a bit of a worrier)

    BTW, the paisley and turquoise fabrics are both available at Calico Corners and the pink giraffe print is available through Premier Prints. Glad to hear you guys like Penny's room. I think it's going to be adorable!


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